I thought it was finally time to write about my time in Delhi. The plan as mentioned in my previous journal had been to fly into Delhi and then travel up into the Himalaya mountains to Dharamsala, where I would spent my time teaching the street kids.
So how did that work out?
Well the Friday before my flight I woke up with terrible stomach pains, which progressed quickly to vomiting and other symptoms. I had a plane in a few hours time, so I rang the out of hours doctor. I was advised it was probably food poisoning (gastroenteritis). This made sense as I had forgotten my packed lunch that day and quickly bought something in the canteen at work - something I try to avoid doing as I know a lot of people have been made ill there. The doctor also told me although it would be a horrible plane journey, if I could make it, but the time I arrived in India the food poisoning would probably be gone.
So I phoned my friend Chris who was taking me to the airport, told him despite the illness I was gonna try. Made it to the airport without being sick - incredibly- however continued to be ill the whole the flight (Thank goodness for air sick bags).
Vineet (picture)
By the time I got off the plane I was feeling exhausted and dehydrated from being unable to keep water down. I was met in the airport by Vineet, a representative from the charity ISPIICE. He took me back to a hotel where I could rest. Except it didnt seem I could go more than 10 mins without being ill. Vineet took great care of me, but my condition was rapidly getting worse and worse, and eventually I had to change my flights and head home. We delayed in Delhi hoping the illness would improve, but sadly it did not.
It was a very hard decision, but one that I believe was the right one, to come home. My Dad was a hero and picked me up from the air port and I went to see a UK doctor who was able to help.
The whole experience has really knocked my confidence for travelling alone, although my husband has said he will go back out there with me, which gives me the strength to try again.
ISPIICE - Integrated Social Program in Indian Child Education (http://www.volunteeringinindia.com/)
Recommended viewing: Mother India (http://motherindiafilm.com/)
Born into Brothels (http://www.kids-with-cameras.org/bornintobrothels/)